Programming workshops
Micro:BIT workshop
Age: + 8 years
Duration: 2 – 6 hours
Key competences: math
Micro:BIT programming workshops for children where they will learn computer logic and develop different projects using programmable cards, used alot in the UK and have great potential to develop STEAM activities.

Arduino workshop
Age: + 8 years
Duration: 2 – 6 hours
Key competences: math
Arduino programming workshops students learning both from software and hardware perspectives.
Starting from a basic understanding of electronics which will allow them to create circuits with different sensors and actuators.
Next they learn to programme using Arduino ID, adquiring an understanding of computational logic and fundamental structures.

Minecraft workshop
Age: + 8 years
Duration: 2 – 4 hours
Key competences: math
Minecraft workshops for children where they learn programing and electronics while they have a fun time playing with this famous videogame.
They will create their own joysticks and design new worlds, which will develop their creativity which Minecraft is limitless.