“Creativity happens when you don´t put limits on ideas”
Carmela has a degree in pedagogy from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master in Educational guidance and experience in the areas of free time and animation.
I like to go further that what is visible, think, learn, create…and with children I found the space which allows the freedom and authenticity that gives your imagination wings. Often as we grow older we put up barriers that limit our creativity. However children are the complete opposite with the incredible freedom to express themselves and be as creative as they want. Trying to keep children from losing that freedom and helping adults to gain it again is a labour of love full of fun and constant learning.
I´ve been curious since birth and was attracted to technological advances and it´s array of possibilities to learn. I´m passionate about programming and 3D printing, using these tools to help children develop their STEAM skills that will be useful thought out their lives.

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